Wednesday, August 11, 2010

family and friends keep me busy in the summer

Summer in western washington are always jam packed - not that rain stops us from doing fun things all year long, but when the sun is out there is always stuff to be done :) I have spent a lot of time exploring the olympic penninsula - so many different beaches and cemeteries to explore here and everything is just so beautiful. my good friends samantha and rich got married and i made them a scrapbook of their lives together from the begining through their wedding. Jamee and i have spent a lot of time with our nephews and niece. being around the babies is just so life affirming. anyway, here are a few of the pages i have made recently.

i hope everyone is having a great summer,
peace and luv,

starting all over

I am taking a free beginers genealogy course and have decided that this is the perfect way and time to start over on my family tree. this week as part of the 1st module i am typing out my family tree from my great grandparents through today - as this is all the most recent information that i had to start with. it includes all my known family that are still alive as well, and has given me great insight as to what i am missing and what i need to further research, as well as given me clues as to other family members that i should find addresses for and contact. this is the link for this beginners class, if you are like me and jumped into this all head first and have not documented everything (thank you and i would highly recommend taking this class and starting over. Hope everyone is making progress with their tree's this summer,
peace and luv,