So to start this story I just want to say that having a best friend who is also your little sister is both the most amazing thing and the most annoying thing all at the same time. So that being said - the second weekend of celebrating my birthday started out a little rocky Friday night hanging out with friends at my favorite little bar and even though I vowed for new years I was done drinking, I decided to drink. I didn't lose control and I don't regret it because I had an amazing time. My sister however, who worries about me way too much, was disappointed in my choice and she let it be known - not in a public way but I knew. So I wasn't sure we were actually going to do anything Saturday or not. What can I say we are sisters -- we have our ups and downs but in the end we always get over it. So our adventure starts at like 1:30 pm when we decide we should grab some munchies and hit the road - "let's go to the ocean to watch the sunset". OMG that is an amazing plan since we never made it to the ocean last weekend - sometimes shopping wins!! So we hit Fred Meyer up for some discount Valentine's day candies - I love my conversation hearts and when the big bag is only 1.39 who can resist?? And it meant I could read them as we ate them LOL. So off we went and the begining of the adventure was really slow -- we were stuck on I-5 due to a doozy of a wreck. Finally got to where we were flying down the road again and off we went. The weather was sunny, we were car karaoke-ing to Kelly Clarkson's greatest hits, going past the capital building in Olympia the view was amazing - so amazing I forgot to take a photo of it!! As we are driving we have some amazing girl talk and have decided that Mother Nature has severe bipolar - sun, pouring rain, sun, pouring rain..... from Olympia all the way to the Ocean. So we get to Aberdeen and stop at WalMart - because what is any kind of adventure without a stop at WalMart?? We used the facilities - cuz yeah kinda a long drive - and both bought new clearance sweatshirts cuz it was a lot colder than we were prepared for. We both just had on our Port Scandalous hoodies. Pit stop done and off to the ocean we go. As we are driving through Hoquiam I see a street sign that says cemetery -- ohh how I love my cemeteries. Now we are off on a little side adventure. But we are not finding it so as we drive past people I keep saying "Excuse me, Where do you keep your dead?" We finally found the cemetery and it was amazing - all covered in moss with amazingly huge trees.....I could have spent a whole day just wandering around there, but it is not really Jaymee's thing so I did one small section and took some photos.
So now we are off to the ocean. We get there and Jaymee is a little disappointed because they are loading up the horses for the night.
(That will be a whole different adventure)
so since we are at Ocean Shores it means we can drive on the beach so off we go, laughing all the way. What amazing freedom, while at the same time knowing you are really just this oh so small part of the universe. And we finally find a good spot and just sit and watch the ocean and the sun going in and out of the clouds on it's way to an amazing sunset.
Well we realize that the ocean is sneaking up on us and we need to back up - but Jaymee is up for just a little more driving fun first.
And off we go making almost donuts on the beach, laughing as the traction contol clicks on and off as we hit some bumpy softer areas. And BOOM!! All of a sudden we realize we aren't moving anymore. So, throw it in reverse and just back out of the soft sand - no big deal right?? Yeah big deal. WE ARE SOOO STUCK!!! So Jaymee is trying to kinda dig out the tires and I am out of the car cuz I figure just that much less weight will help. And still stuck. Now there are two couples coming to help us out - one in their twenties, one is probably their late 60's early 70's. So no big deal, even though with all my arthritis I cannot help, there are four people, surely we can get the car back to packed sand right??
Yeah no we are really stuck – so I do my best damsel in distress thing to this big truck driving down the beach (Princesses are really good at this one). They are too nice looking men from Alaska and not only do the have a kick a$$ truck, they have a two rope (and their mom too) it took some time but finally we were free!!!
So Sunset at the ocean, a huge adventure, and tons of laughter all the way home!!! I love adventures!!!!