Ok, I know in other parts of the world it is winter, but for me it is summer. This summer has been amazing. Knowing I have some job security is amazing. I recently went from part time to full time with benefits. It is awesome and such an amazing company to work for. I have also been overdosing on street fairs as that is my favorite part of summer in Seattle. I am actually home sick from work today which really sucks but it is part of my life - I just pray each time that I will not lose my job. Hopefully my work ethic and attitude make up for the days I am too sick to work. Anyway, back to my amazing summer so far - June was pretty quiet, some derby here and there but as always not enough. July started my true summer - for 4th of July I went to the top of a parking garage to watch the fireworks and work on my firework photos -- I just really am not that great at them, but I did get quite a few good ones this year. I did two days at Bite of Seattle this year -- one of my favorite fairs to go to yearly. And this last weekend I did two days at Renton River Days - love my hometown fair. and next weekend is Seafair which means hydroplanes and air shows and sailors and just Seattle love all the way!! Just a little side rant - at the River Days parade Saturday morning I let this lady's daughter sit on the curb in front of me in my camp chair - and got rewarded with this lady yelling in my ear the whole two hours telling her daughter what she wanted her to be doing -- stand up so you can get candy, i said stand up or they wont see you, look for so and so in this group, did you get your little sister some candy too, dont cheer for hazen or lindbergh high school things as we are renton high people, oh there is renton high stand up and cheer. I felt so bad for that little girl. Her mother couldnt not just let her be in the moment and enjoy the parade. Parents, your kids need to be allowed to have responsibilities that are age appropriate as well as make decisions that are age appropriate in order to learn who they are and what they love. This girl was probably 11 or so and should have been allowed (in my opinion) to just chill and enjoy the parade the way she wanted - she was more of an introvert and just wanted to sit and watch and i dont know how her mom felt about it but the look on her face when a drill team or person excited her was amazing to see. she is at a point in life where she is beginning to know who she is and who she wants to be. and her mom just wants this little cookie cutter of a child -- which didnt surprise me after i overheard her tell her friend she works for the school district at renton high. from my experience they are big on cookie cuttering all the children there. (my son went there all four years of high school). Ok that rant is done for now. The rest of Renton River Days was an amazing thing. I love seeing families spending time together, seeing kids talk to the older generations at such booths as the Veterans and other organizations. It is good for them to get to have this little interaction yearly. Hopefully I can figure out a good blogging schedule for the rest of this year because I have so many more adventures planned - solo after August as my sister/best friend is moving to florida to be near her mom's family and get into school for being a full out medic.
hope everyone is enjoying their summer,
until next time,, peace and luv to all