so, not working, friday does not mean that much to me anymore - except that it is one more day i have survived. I am trying to work on the family tree but at times find myself falling asleep due to it being the same thing over and over - not really getting that rush of finding new things. so i took a while today and worked on my second cousin's wife's family - that was interesting. i will have to add all that i found and make a report for his daughter so that she can show it off for the holidays. also, it dawned on me i have not been adding family stories lately. so today you get one :) for my little family - remember until my mom remarried when i was 14 it was just her, me and my brother and grandma lived very close by - we had a rule for christmas and birthdays. christmas was for things you want and birthdays were for things you need. so christmas - toys and birthdays - clothes. so christmas was just that much more special to us as kids because we knew we would get something that we wanted. so every year we got the sears holiday toy catalog and would spend hours going through it. making a first draft of the list, then taking off what you knew would just never happen or that you realized you could live without. then a revised list - due to media influences. then when it was time to go see santa you showed mom your final list so "she could make sure that santa made all those things" and you went proudly up to that jolly old man's lap knowing you had worked hard on your list and that something from it would indoubtably end up under the tree with that magic "from Santa" tag on it. i am happy that the babies in the family will be getting to that age way sooner than we would like because it is so much more fun when you see the light in their eyes because they understand just how special it is.
anyway, i am off on my family searches
peace and luv,
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