Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas Everyone

Well Christmas Eve, but close enough!! I have posted photos today, this first one is sunrise on Dec 18th in Port Townsend. it was my best friend Vicky's birthday so I was happy that it was so beautiful.
this next photo is my other mom's grave - it was her one year anniversary on the 20th so Jamee and I went out to put one rose at her grave. Jamee said she hopes to do this every year adding a rose each year.
Other than that, I have actually been busy in the family tree this week. I sent a copy to one of the cousins, who asked if i could then do her husband's line as well. So i did - it is always a great joy to go and find new information and I got it back to her - minus the copies of actual documentation - yesterday so that they can take it with them for Christmas at her hubby's family. I really hope they enjoy it. Today I do have a Christmas story for you - and it is the story of Christmas 2009. That is right, it is about this year. I figured that this year we would just be thankful to have a roof over our heads, and perhaps hit a dollar store for a few little gifts. But my God and my family had other plans I guess. for starters, you should know that up until last year when I was struggling to even do Christmas being on unemployment, my family has always chosen either a foster child or family to give to. Even when jesse was a toddler, we would clean out all his toys and clothes and he would help to donate them so that some other child could have a good Christmas. So that being said, my son Jesse was online in his favorite anime chat room and they were all talking about Christmas and what they were all hoping for. Jesse said that he was hoping for nothing, and was happy that he had a roof over his head, food for his tummy and family that loved him around. So his one friend that lives in New Jersey asks him, if you could have a gift, anything, what would it be. Jesse's answer? A PS3 with 4 controllers and Little Big Planet so that my mom and family can all play it together. it is the one game my mom has been excited about in years and i want to see her happy. The guy sent it to us. All brand new. Then Jamee, who is just ending her first year of grief after losing both her parents, found out that her brother's pug had puppies. All she could talk about was puppies and how much she wanted one. So David, her hubby, and I rationalized all the reasons why a puppy was not a good idea at this point in her life. So we waited for her to go house sit for a co worker and David went and got her a chocolate lab puppy. She will be here this afternoon and will get puppy just a little early. We are all so excited for her to see the puppy.
anyway, i am off to play with the puppy, and get the house ready for Christmas,
peace and luv,

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