Thursday, August 4, 2011


well i had a phone interview yesterday for a position that i really wanted but they said that they would be calling today to set up in person interviews for tomorrow because they need someone who can start on monday. but i didnt get a call back. maybe because i kept having to ask her to repeat herself - it sounded like she was calling on a cell phone from a busy starbucks so there was a lot of background noise to try to sift through. oh well i still have the attitude that whatever is meant to be will be. in the meantime, i am working hard on promotion of all the fine details and ravens n roses my two websites, and working on details for a third which will be wedding and event planning focusing on staying on a low budget while still having the wedding or event that you have been dreaming about. also thinking about one where i sell digital banners for other people's websites cuz i love making them. anyway, not sure when they will come and cut off my internet but know it will be soon. it is seafair weekend here in the great northwest and i am highly thinking about heading down to check out the hydros and blue angels tomorrow since it is free on friday because it is just practicing for both of them. anyway, have a lot of thoughts to get organized lol until next time, peace and luv to all, laura

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