Wednesday, March 7, 2012

My week in review–week ending 3/6/12

Hello all, I hope you are having as great a week as I am.  Here is the review of my week – I watched William wednesday – friday of last week – we worked on the color yellow and the letter A – we also had a lot of water play time as he is really loving that on these days where we just cannot really go outside and play yet.  Friday Jaymee also came over and hung out with me until Sammy got home from work and off we went for our weekend of women’s flat track roller derby.  This year there were teams from Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, Nevada, British Columbia Canada, and Hawaii.  it was amazing as usual.  I took almost 1200 photos with my camera and I don’t know how many with Jaymee’s camera when my batteries died on saturday evening.  highlights for me were meeting people that until now I only knew on facebook, the skating hula by the Paradise Roller Girls, the touching story about the girl who is here in Seattle at Children’s Hospital fighting bone cancer.  Her name is Roarin Lauren, and she is one of the junior derby girls from Hawaii.  It was great to see all the derby people going out of their way to make sure she had the best possible experience at Wild West Showdown.  I know I got a few candid photos of her with a couple of the Paradise Roller Girls after their last bout was finished.   When I am through processing all my photos I will be posting some here I am sure.  I got home around 10:30 Sunday night and honestly spent most of Monday recovering from my fun weekend.  Yesterday I spent getting my Etsy shop set up to sell my journals with prompts, making sure all my journaling stuff is categorized correctly and ready to go for sales, catching up on my blogs and such.  I also found out yesterday when everyone was up (meaning me) that Sammy is looking for a new job, so I have some kinda down time to get all my store stuff done and get all organized.

I hope everyone had a great week as well,

peace and luv to all


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